Monday, February 21, 2011


I've been learning about the story of Hannah in Bible.  The part that I know the most about is that Hannah had longed for a child for years and the second wife to Hannah's husband used to say bad things to her--tell her stuff that would hurt her.  The part that is the most confusing is why would someone abuse her fellow lady like that.  I think it is bad.  This topic reminds me of a lady who longed for a child and went to church to pray to God.  I would like to know more about Hannah's story.

Lynna, 6th grade


  1. We learned about the same thing too except we learned more about being thankful in all things. I think Hannah and all of us should thank God in all situations not just when we're happy

  2. I also learned about Hannah,but did you learn how she got Samuel?

  3. Lynna , I think Hannah had great faith in God so she didn't get mad at Penniah.
