Thursday, November 11, 2010

Samuel de Champlain

I've been learning about Samuel de Champlain in Social Studies.  The part that is the most confusing is why are they all looking for a pathway across North America to go to the Spice Islands?  I'd like to know more about other explorers.  The part I know the most about is how he found the Great Lakes.  This reminds me of Christopher Columbus when he found America.

Ronald, 3rd grade


  1. Hey Ron, I have a question. How did Samuel de Champlain find the Great Lakes? And I think I know the answer to your question. It is that they were greedy and wanted to get to the riches faster.

  2. I also learned about Christopher Columbus in Social Studies but I've got a question,Spice Islands?!What happens in spice islands?

  3. Audrey-joy,5th gradeFebruary 15, 2011 at 2:21 PM

    I think that Samuel de Champlain and the people wanting to find a pathway across North America to the Spice Island want to find a path because it has good soil,it is shorter than to go all around South America,has many spices,and it is a good place for growing because of the good weather.I hope that my comment helped you to understand why people wanted to find a path.
